Machine Tending

Use robots and cobots to easily to tend machines such as CNC mills, CNC lathes, injection molding, CNC press brakes, stamping presses and more to free employees for more valuable tasks.


FastLOAD CX1000 DSC05814 overhead wbrad

Faced with capacity challenges, labor shortages, or quality variability, FastLOAD CR2000 or CX1000 standard cells from Acieta help address operator availability, fast


FastBEND 2

RIBS, Robotically Integrated Bending Solutions, offer significant cost and productivity benefits for medium- to high-volume fabricators.  Automated bending  the robot is the operator.

2D and 3D Inspection


Robots and cobots combined with measurement sensors or machine vision offer precision and consistency in part inspection and measurement tasks for inline or offline quality control. They are highly repeatable in their QC tasks and improve product yield

Injection Molding


Part handling and removal from injection molding machines can be accomplished with simple Cartesian robots or more advanced Articulated arms with appropriate grippers.  2D or 3D Inspection can then be applied to the part with rotation of the part by a cobot

Die Casting

Robot Diecasting

Robot and hard automation assembly processes solve part placing, pressing, fitting, fastening, screw driving and nut driving processes.  Cobot and robot arms can handle assembly of plastics, metals, or other materials like glass or wood.

About us

Futura Automation is a Leading Solutions Provider of industrial robot systems,  advanced automation and IIOT systems to North American manufacturers.  We represent automation component manufacturers of HMIs, iPCs and Data Acquisition; Machine Bases and Frames; Robot Peripheral Equipment, Servo and Stepper Drives;  Belt, roller, pallet and chain conveyors;  Machine safety systems including light curtains and safety fencing; Cartesian, SCARA, 6-Axis (articulated) and Delta Robots; Linear Actuators; Machine Vision and Robot Guidance;

With the support of our component partners, Futura Automation develops our own robotic system Solutions for: Machine Tending, Material Handling, Pick and Place, Palletizing, Assembly, Logistics and AMRs, Welding, Inspection, Dispensing and Finishing;

Futura Automation, LLC  is on a mission is to return Manufacturing in North America to global leadership through advanced automation and robotic solutions.

Speak with an Automation Expert today!