Policy makers should begin to consider “life after robotics”. Robots will undoubtedly improve quality of life. But at what cost and with what concessions? Mass Human Labor is No Longer Needed. Where Do We Go From Here?
Read morePolicy makers should begin to consider “life after robotics”. Robots will undoubtedly improve quality of life. But at what cost and with what concessions? Mass Human Labor is No Longer Needed. Where Do We Go From Here?
Read moreShoes are one of the most important clothing items worn universally by men and women. They have become fashion statements and people pay more for customized shoes that fit well and have a distinctive or personal appearance. www.TheHouseofDesign.com develops robotic work cells that manufacture customized shoes. Here is an article on how shoes laces are […]
Read moreHere is a great example of untended machine loading / unloading. Add a mobile vehicle to transport parts for machining from a storage area plus #FELIX IoT diagnostic and analytic services and we have a “lights out” totally automated manufacturing facility.
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