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Project Requirements (required)
What is your budget / how much capital cost do you expect for this project? $0 - $100K$101K - $200K$200K - $500K$500K+
What is the objective of your automation plan?:
Type(s) of product being handled:
Metrics (weight / size) of each product:
Please attach here pictures of the parts to handle w/ size reference:
# of product handling cycles per minute:
How will the product be presented to our robot/machine vision?:
What are the preferred robot and machine vision make and models:
Metrics & ideally 3D models of equipment we will be interfacing with:
Please attach here files of the drawings, floor plan and/or 3D models of any equipment required for mechanical interface:
Is there potential risk of injury for workers currently doing task?:
What are the Quality Control measures in place for the product?:
How Much Floor Space is allotted for the Automation Cell?
Return On Investment (ROI) Metrics
# of employees currently preforming task:
Hours/shifts/days a week they do this task:
Payroll full load rate per employee (wage + benefits etc.):
Wasted product $ recoverable by automation?:
“Are there any other ways this automation will find you value?”:
10407 E Rosemary Lane,<br /> Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
+1 (612) 756-2390
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